1943: Operazione Husky

1943: Operazione Husky

1943: Operation Husky - The Canadian Landing in Sicily

  • On July 10, 1943, over 25,000 men from the 1st Canadian Infantry Division landed in Pachino, Italy, marking the beginning of the Sicilian campaign. The project, dubbed Operation Husky, represented the first independent role for Canadian soldiers in the Second World War. After an intense battle, they were successful in knocking down German defenses in Sicily, but every victory has its price: in this case, the lives of 562 men.

    Shot on location in Sicily, 1943: Operation Husky provides a chronological and in-depth exploration of the vital contributions made by Canadian troops in World War II. Through first-hand accounts with villagers, historians, and Canadian veterans, this documentary helps shed light on the importance of Canada’s victory in Sicily and pays tribute to Canadian soldiers who fought and fell in this campaign.

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