180 Grados Al Norte

180 Grados Al Norte

180 Degrees North: The Enrique Careaga Story

  • Enrique spends time in Mexico and Canada, where he explores the long process of self-discovery, the social attitudes he faced as a gay man, and his relationship with his mother, which still looms over Enrique’s fluctuating understanding of his place in the world.

    As a boy, Enrique knew that, unlike his peers, he was not attracted to girls. He talks about the difficulties he faced with his immediate family - his grandmother and mother were concerned about correcting what they thought, was a problem of behaviour and his attraction to other boys.

    Enrique’s guilt and anguish for having homosexual fantasies lead him to want to correct his sexual orientation. He tried in many ways to lead a heterosexual life that would be approved by his family and society around him.

    The central approach of the documentary is that in societies like the one in Mexico and other Latin American countries, people create and recreate a homophobic culture. This leads to the persecution, condemnation and legal and social discrimination suffered by the LGBTQ+ community; sometimes being brought to extreme violence, murder, and suicide.

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