Warehouse Woes

Warehouse Woes

Warehouse Woes

  • In a warehouse operating 24-7, immigrant employees from all walks of life come in and out, without really getting to know one another, and without knowing what it is that they do in this absurd place! Efrain and Liliana have been working in the same warehouse since their arrival in Canada. What started as a survival job is now an integral part of their life in this country. An extraordinary event connected them a few years back when a German man tried to take his own life in the warehouse. Fortunately, his colleagues prevented him from doing so. The situation made everyone realize how much they had in common, especially when it comes to their problems.
    The warehouse workers have created a sort of informal support group. They share meals, chat about their challenges in Canada, and even spend the holidays together. But life in the warehouse is just as crazy and surreal as it always has been.
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